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Young Celia Cruz

Celia Cruz will soon be featured on the U.S. quarter

The U.S. currency is about to get a touch of azucar! Celia Cruz was a legendary singer and performer, known for her vibrant outfits, personality, and powerful voice. Her music and influence touched the lives of many Latinos. And so it was no surprise that she was chosen to be featured in a new series of quarters highlighting women pioneers.

The cubana is the first Afro-Latino to be given this distinction, which is part of the Mint’s American Women Quarters Program. Five new designs will be made available year beginning in 2022 and running through 2025 as part of the effort. Cruz’s design will be unveiled sometime this year.

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For many, the Celia Cruz quarter is more than just a piece of currency. It is a symbol of the rich Latino culture in the United States and a tribute to the countless immigrants who had helped shape the country into what it is today. It is a reminder that no matter where we come from, we all have the power to make a difference and leave our mark on the world.

Celia Cruz continued to inspire and uplift people with her music and her legacy. The Celia Cruz quarter is a lasting tribute to her life and work, and a powerful symbol of the enduring impact that one person can have on the world.

Daniela Galvez is a writer who has spent her entire career interviewing beauty and fashion experts, covering Fashion Week, and reporting on the latest beauty, fashion and lifestyle trend for outlets like Latina Magazine, Vivala, Influenster, and Etsy. When she’s not writing, Daniela can be found hunting for vintage and thrift shops and exploring new restaurants in New York City. Follow her on Instagram @dgalvez1009.

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